With constant developments taking place around, construction of highway worth 65,000 kms across India is welcome news. This task will be carried out under the flagship of Bharatmala Pariyojana Programme at a cost of Rs. 5.35 lakh crores the news was spilled out by our Road Transport Minister Nitin Gadkari on February 7, 2019 in the Lok Sabha. The project is set to get completed by 2022, which states that India is on a verge of becoming a well-maintained country in terms of road facilities. Out of 65,000 kms, 24,800 kms of highways are laid across economic corridors, inter-corridors, feeder routes and even border roads.
Taking note of the phase-I of Bharatmala Pariyojana Project, 10,000 kms of residual National Highway Development Project has been envisioned for development. Indeed, the first phase can be completed within a time frame of five years. And for this purpose, an amount of Rs. 5, 35, 000 have been allotted to the road development department. Giving his verdict in the direction, the minister has stated that construction work has been planned smartly as per the scheme for ensuring expeditious implementation for sure. Even, the project’s progress will be carried out methodically and supervised properly for timely completion.
It should be noted that 137 road projects are already in progress and have been monitored closely for sure. Their aggregate length has been measured as 6530 kms and has been in the stage of implementation. This states that the project under the name of Bharatmala Pariyojana Project has been initiated without doubt. Putting more light on the project, Nitin Gadkari said that the roads connecting Hindu Shrines in Uttrakhand have been in progress under Chardham project and an estimated cost of Rs. 1800 has been incurred on the project.
But, the problem with the project is that it faced a delay because of litigation; while, the original date of completion was March 2020. This litigation has been related to forest and environment clearance. Now, the exact date of the completion of project would depend on the final verdict of the court for sure. Certainly known, the government has been active in making roads better for easy commuting of the people. It is a step towards India’s development and is projected to get completed within 2 or 3 years. This seems that major highways of India will be much smoother than before.
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