Golden Rules Of Buying A Home As Per Vastu
By Buniyad
Vastu is an important concept that aims to harmonize the ideations of spirituality, architecture, acoustics and optics. And a property complaint with Vastu Shastra is certain to yield good fortune to its residents. Who would not like to have good living conditions or have their fate changed for better? This makes it essential for the investors to invest wisely in terms of buying residential properties. It, certainly, mandates for the buyers to check out specific aspects of Vastu that helps them in deciding over a property.
- 1 First of all, it is extremely necessary for the buyer to check-out the direction of the plot. By this, it means that the entrance of the plot should be facing north or east side. Since east is the one from where sun rises and north one has its positive effects. So, it is imperative for the engineers or architects to avoid making a house facing west or south.
- 2 Secondly, the shape of the residential plot is extremely important. Ideally stating, the plot should be rectangular or square. Indeed, extended corners beyond this might not be a perfect choice to make in terms of buying. One should avoid residential complexes with disproportionate shape.
- 3 Apart from the shape of the plot, it is necessary for the residential investors to ensure that they buy Gaumukhi homes. Well, the notion of Gaumukhi and Shermukhi hold prime importance in Vastu Shastra. The Gaumukhi one is narrower at the entrance and broader towards it end. This type of building is absolutely wonderful for housing purpose. On the other hand, the Shermukhi one has broader start and a narrower end, which makes it suitable for commercial properties. So, buying a Shermukhi home should be strictly avoided.
- 4 Interiors of a house is extremely important for the people willing to invest in residential properties. In this matter, paying heed to the use of colors is significant. Using black or dark shades for interiors is just not advisable as they spawn negative energy. So, applying lighter shades like yellow, orange, pink or even fawn would generate positive environs within your residential premises.
Buying a home is like investing a part of your fortune, which makes it crucial for the buyer to be extremely cautious. So, buying a house complaint with Vastu Shastra norms is surely going to bring good luck and fortune. After all, everyone wants a home that adds to peace in their life.